Blogger for Business...

By : Business Owner
Published 1st December 2014 |
Read latest comment - 7th December 2014

Does anyone else Blog?

It's not something I've done tonnes of, but every now and then I have a ramble. I've just knocked one up this morning to do with Christmas and Depression etc:

But the intention of me starting to blog was to help our SEO thingie... 

Does anyone have any experience or opinions on this kind of stuff? 

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

I've previously been quite vocal about blogging and blogging for blogging sake

I had a blog, had bursts of enthusiasm, then left it unloved and withering on the vine for months at a time before just shutting it down. No blog is better than a dead blog.

What is the actual point of a blog? Other than being a place to put down random thoughts, normally related in some shape or form to your main subject. Most of us do it for marketing, in the old days as a cheeky link dump for SEO or more recently to get eyeballs on a post and follow a author bio nofollow link back, as you will be considered a subject matter expert.

But why put a blog on blogger? Why not have all that lovely content on your site and let your audience interact. Or if the subject matter is more unrelated, then maybe consider other avenues, eg social media groups and communities. I think these are slowly becoming the new blogs, as they tend to be shorter, which suits our short attention spans as we flit all over this inter web.

I'd also include forums as part of the social media mix  Forum Blog

But a lot of people still love them and swear by them. Guess it comes down to the old adage, if it works, use it, if it doesn't, lose it.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Yeah, my blog on blogger blogs on my website...


Urgh, it was just an attempt to get some backlink love... but, with a readership base that is so tiny... I prefer some interaction...

Forums are much better... there's more of an audience, and a bigger audience means bigger interaction... well, that's the idea!

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

had some good advice about blogging a while back saying its the 80/20 rule backwards. basically most people spend 80% of their time on creating content and 20% marketing when it should be the other way round. No pint making loads of content if noone reads it. Better off spending time generating an audinence to read fewer but better quality articles.

also most people try and promote blogs using social media, but if you have hardly any followers then how will that create any new blog readers? So spend more time marketing but market properly.


True, I think the content value can reflect in google. And you can be just one post away from virility.

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

And you can be just one post away from virility.”

That's what the wife keeps telling me 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

So spend more time marketing but market properly.”
Good point. How should one market it properly, then? Any tips?


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No idea... I was hoping someone could give me their secret!

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...


Urgh, it was just an attempt to get some backlink love...


Unfortunately backlink love doesn't exist unless your already huge. 

You can't survive on people linking to you unless your content is one of a kind AND you have over at least 20,000 Unique visitors a month. And for most business websites, that's just simply not going to happen. 

Instead you have to go via one of 2 methods, these work for life too! 

1.) Pay someone else to do it 

2.) Learn about it

Both have up and down sides. Depends if you value your time more than money or vis versa, you also have the risk of whoever you pay, their strategies not working! Or whoever you learn from their strategies not working! So you have to be careful. 

If you have your heart set on doing it yourself and being 100% "white hat", (I just had a mini rant last night on why I hate that, but that's a different story), then I would recommend the moz blog and quicksprout as a place to start. 

But again don't expect any changes if you can't dedicate £500+ or 10 hours a week to your seo campaigns. 

As for your post itself, Its just for content, no offence intented here, but no one would link to it naturally or probably if you reached out to them. The post is simply too short and not authoritative enough. 



Tom Buckland
SEO Consultant

Really good points Tom.

But, for example, Company A does nothing other than getting their domain and website, Company B has the same foundation resource, but in addition ensures they are in directories, have FB, Twitter etc, and comments on Forums, therefore, Company B should step above Company A in organic listings...

Add good Keyword strings, meta whatsamacallits, and relevant page content, and your onto a win surely...

The First Choice for First Aid
From Cardiff to Calcutta...

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