tombuckers - Profile


Forum titleSEO
JoinedOct 2014
Latest activity 11th May 2016 3:46pm  

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Selling on Amazon 11th May 2016 3:46 PM

I'm in the process of launching a side business focusing on businesses looking to add products to amazon. Think there is so much to be made if your smart with the FBA fees and ranking algorithm!

Also agree in as much as its "easy" but profit margins do take a huge hit. We are about to launch 2 new products (in a fitness business) so will report on how those launches go too.

Get on there Steve!

Licensing Question 13th April 2016 7:50 PM

My friend is starting a business where (over simplified) he will be selling coffee to individuals in busy city locations. What license(s) would he need and how would he go about acquiring these? 

Thanks in advance.

Emailing previous customers - results 15th March 2016 10:11 AM

I did a recent blog post on this which may be of interest:

The key to marketing your small business

In a nutshell:

instead of the 95% of small business owners who stated in 2015 that they would be spending more time on online marketing, SEO and social media marketing, spend more time on actually generating sales directly, talking to potential prospects and closing deals, let the designers and marketers create your online ads, what you should be doing…. is EMAILING

England - Wales M4 Severn bridge charges 17th February 2016 6:23 PM

I think at least the payment is on the right side. Pay to get into Wales seems like the right way to go.... 

Yep, 5 a day without fail across 4 different emails. Those seo people are so annoying!!! 

Does Anyone Care About Bing? 13th February 2016 12:51 PM

In a test about 3 years ago people "preferred" Bing's results that were displayed. But Google has just stolen the market. Similar to Coke and Pepsi in a way. Blind taste "sip" test people prefer Pepsi, yet when it comes to the whole can/bottle Coke is the leader. Same with Google and Bing. Bing is good for 1 search but if you had to choose between either search engine for life then its obvious. 

Does Anyone Care About Bing? 11th February 2016 12:59 PM

It's also less competitive. My thought process is along the lines of: 10% of something small is better than 70% of F*** all. 

Does Anyone Care About Bing? 10th February 2016 12:18 PM

Hi Clive, 

Didn't know this but totally agree with you. I know why they do this, but the reason is rather pathetic. 

Bing's Market share in the US isn't actually too bad I think its around 20% (or was in 2015) but in the UK their market share is terrible, about 6-7% (although it's growing) -

Personally I'd love it for Bing to grow as their algorithm is a lot easier to rank. But if you're outside of the US it's still just not worth it in my opinion, just wanted to see what everyone else thought too.

Hi Tom

Dont know if i am talking out of turn, but did take a call yesterday from a company that was doing citations on behalf of Bing.

Reason i am saying anything is that i tried to place our sister company into their categories but was told in no certain terms that ALL of their categories were Americanized. 

Ok i accept that they are owned by Microsoft and that they are an American based company etc, but surely if they want to take on Google they can't be as narrow minded and expect everyone outside the USA to adopt their categories.

Soooo, on that basis why would a UK based company bother with Bing?”
Does Anyone Care About Bing? 9th February 2016 10:50 PM

I'm looking for a few non online marketers to see if they've ever even thought about anything other than Google when it comes to SEO or PPC? 

True, but I think most people are too lazy to do it. For a start-up business targeting a local area, can you imagine how effective 20-50 spots would be? From an ROI point of view! I'd like to offer it as a service or try it out myself but I'm worried about the legally / Ethics of it. 

I have to say it does look cool .. Problem is if everyone does it it would look awful .Could you imagine every shop owner in every street doing it + all the other advertising it would soon turn into a war zone of overlapping art ,also the signs would get bigger to try and outdo each other ”