Just unsubscribe me!

By : Administrator
Published 21st December 2016 |
Read latest comment - 22nd December 2016

Email newsletters and promotions are the curse of everyone's inbox, even though we are guilty of sending them out ourselves 

But as legally required, all newsletters and promos must have an unsubscribe button. This then gives you the opportunity to easily and quickly remove you from a mailing list if you decide it's not for you. The idea being I never hear from you again. 

But someone we recently bought something off and then bombarded us with emails ever since has a different approach.

Then people wonder why they get sarcastic comments on social media outlets and reviews... Just go away...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I never use it as it seems these days it is just a confirmation that your email is live.. I have taken to using a sign up address which I can change when spam gets to much .. Then after about 2 months I check it to see which sign up I need to keep and change them on the website

Andy-C | Pewter World

I never use it as it seems these days it is just a confirmation that your email is live.. ”

They always used to say you shouldn't unsubscribe for that reason but I will unsubscribe if the email looks professional. Otherwise I tend to use my email app block option so future ones go straight to my spam box.

My views & opinions are my own

I think they're just trying to reach out to you and convince you to stay... However, I don't quite think it's the best method to do that; clearly didn't work in your case!

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