Sign of the times? No vaping :)

By : Administrator
Published 23rd January 2017 |
Read latest comment - 25th January 2017

Stayed at the Lenny Henry hotel at the weekend and the sign made me chuckle...

It's funny how vaping has now entered the everyday vocabulary but I still chuckle every time I see a hipster wondering down the road in a cloud of whatever it is, steam, smoke?

Am I the only one that think it looks ridiculous, or is it the new cool and I'm an old fart?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Should try living in the ditch, Clive will tell you full of gangsters with their caps and vapes hanging around the bus station. Funny thing is some of the gangsters are only about 15 

Thanks, Rachael Kennedy
MLS Marketing Team

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