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Mobile: 07940 956 198

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N-Gauge is an acronym for Nurture, Guidance, Aspiration, Understanding, Group Work and Esteem. All these areas come together to form a character curriculum delivered through our mentoring programme which helps young people develop and fine tune their social and emotional literacy skills. Research tell us that young people accessing social and emotional support see an 11% increase in their academic performance and 90% of educators believe that social and emotional skills can benefit their students and more importantly, these skills can be caught and taught. This is where N-Gauge fits in. Our mentoring service listens to the young persons needs, liaises with the team of professionals working around the child and from that we can learn how to support that young person to increase attainment, self esteem, self-awareness, identity and reduce absence at school and exclusion altogether.

Opening Times
09:00AM - 06:00PM
09:00AM - 06:00PM
09:00AM - 06:00PM
09:00AM - 06:00PM
09:00AM - 06:00PM

Email Addresses

Advice, Autism, Information, High Anxiey Support, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, NEETS, Social & Emotional Learning, Transitional Work, Careers Advice, EHCP, Guidance, Mentoring Services, Safe & Well Being Checks, Re-integration Plans, Aspergers, SEN, Small Group Based Work

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