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Abars 24Hr Auto Locksmiths
![Abars 24Hr Auto Locksmiths](./premium_images/2855182_5049_top.jpg)
Here at Abars, we offer a full 24Hr Emergency call out for lost keys or lock out's, giving as much help as we possibly can when you have a key related problem. We use the latest lock picks and can open 90% of vehicles damage free while you wait, no bending of doors, dented roofs or torn door seals/damaged paint. If you have totally lost your keys, we can read the locks, cut a new key and program it to your car to get you home, for the 10% we can't do, we should be able to get the car open and steering lock off so you can have it recovered safely.
At our workshop, we can offer all key services from basic key copying, key cloning, spare keys, Remote Testing, repair or replacement, to a full-blown lost keys situation including remote control replacement and repair service.
We have a large selection of Genuine OEM keys and remotes as well as aftermarket keys and remotes where in fact the remotes are actually better than the originals.
Obviously its cheaper if you come to us, but we do offer a mobile service for lost key situations, so don't worry, we WILL get you out of trouble :)
At Abars we are focused on providing vehicle key services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet your expectations and beyond,
At our workshop we also offer All vehicle services from motorcycle, car and van service and repairs to full blown restorations, We have experienced AUTO ELECTRICIANS and offer everything from a simple addition of some spot-lamps to a complete ICE installation. All electrical accessories are supplied and fitted from a simple electric aerial to a full ALARM and TRACKER system. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we’re sure you’ll be happy working with us. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There’s much more to come!
At Abars we use the best of the best when it comes to our products and tooling, Silca is the market leader in vehicle and domestic keys with a massive range and extensive history producing a wealth of knowledge in the key industry that is second to none. This is reflected in the products we offer giving our customers a reliable and cost-effective solution for their key needs.
KEYDIY is an aftermarket solution for replacement remotes which are equal to and in most cases superior to the genuine OEM remotes that are originally supplied with cars, we can supply these remotes at a fraction of the cost that the car manufacturer charges as a fantastic option for our clients.
![Abars 24Hr Auto Locksmiths](./premium_images/2855182_5049_bottom.jpg)
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