Can we help you?

By : Forum Moderator
Published 9th January 2021

It's a tough time to be a small business owner in a lot of sectors right now.

The UK lockdown has impacted everyone in one way or another whether that's financially or mentally. Those of us who are parents feel the pain of the homeschooling burden, and the emotional pressure to stay upbeat and not worry the children about any of it.

It's a different lockdown this time because it's cold and dark, but also we've been here before.

Perhaps you're ready this time and feel better but if you don't, that's nothing to be ashamed of.

If you need any business advice or marketing ideas etc. Please just ask on here.

There are plenty of lurkers who don't post all the time but will happily offer their advice and share knowledge. And if we don't know we'll try and point you in the right direction of someone who does.

Lockdowns can be lonely times, so reach out to people and check in on friends who go quiet.

Hopefully the vaccinations will continue to be administered across the country and we can see some hope by spring.

Take care of yourself and just shout if you need any help. 

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