Recruiting Together - Profile

Recruiting Together

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JoinedMay 2017
Latest activity 17th Aug 2017 4:14pm  

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The perfect CV 17th August 2017 4:14 PM

From personal statements to spelling errors - as an Employer what do you hope to see or not see in a CV? 

Apparently nearly half of employers do!

How honest are your employees? 23rd June 2017 12:10 PM

Do you always require a GP’s Fit Note when an Employee is off sick for more than seven days?

The road to a Career 20th June 2017 6:36 PM

We have just written a blog entitled - How to get a good job with no experience - which will, hopefully, help some of the students who will have finished (or be due to finish) their courses and will be starting to spend their time looking for jobs. The only problem is, they have “no experience”, so where do they start?

It’s that age-old question that seems to get asked every year: “How do you get a job with no experience when all well paid jobs advertise that they require someone with experience?”

Don’t throw your certificates in the bin and abandon all hope yet, there are several things you can do to get your foot in the door when you don’t have any previous work experience.

You can read what feel are the 10 things you can do to help you get a job with little/no experience at


As a recruiter what do you think? What would you like to see replace them?

How big was your sample or is it anecdotal? I would advise people to use a covering letter but maybe the worlds moved on?”

Hi Angela - apologies for the delay in responding.....

Our survey was carried out by our recruitment team asking the question to our clients and we were surprised by how few employers actually read the letter yet the same number expected candidates to supply a covering letter with their CV!

 Sue Franklin

Establishing a career in the accountancy and finance industry is perhaps not everyone’s childhood dream. However, for those who take it seriously it can be an extremely rewarding career both in terms of job satisfaction and financial reward.

What qualifications would you suggest they obtain, which professional bodies should they contact, any other advice you can think of....

What advice would you give to a job seeker about how to get a good job with no experience?

Applicants have the choice between recruitment agencies and job boards - what do you think is the one main advantage for a candidate to use the job board option?

We tend to call our candidates because it's quicker than composing an email