David Fitzgerald - Profile

David Fitzgerald
Forum titleBusiness Start Up
JoinedJul 2012
Latest activity 25th Apr 2013 9:13pm  

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CNetwork.tv Advertising 13th July 2012 9:56 PM
Thank you for your reply.
I only posted my reply as I felt a couple items in the reviews were helpful in negotiating my agreement with the cnetwork.
My local Post office in Buckinghampshire has quite a mixed Clientele..some of us have a misconception that a post office serves mostly 'grannies' collecting their pension; most pensioners including my mother receive a direct transfer into their bank account. If we follow this erroneous line of thought maybe now the banks will be full of 'grannies' because everyone else does their payments online - maybe not. Whist I appreciate you can almost do everything online via the internet, there is still a lot of customers who still prefer face to face contact for their services hence the high footfall and ques.

I am a Solicitor and often visit my Postoffice to send my documents, I also do my banking there. So I see firsthand the services customers are using. Postoffices are known for postage first and foremost, and they provide road tax as you mentioned, passport service, paying bills, currency, banking, loans etc. So a perfect target audience a mixture of young couples buying their first house requiring conveyancing, family arbirtration or divorce settlement. Motorists doing their road tax requiring personal injury services. We have a small community of multinationals who use money transfer services so requiring immigration advice and last but not least the elderly requiring Wills and Estates services but also popular amongst the middle age.

If your target audience isn't in the Postoffice, the marketing manager informed me that they have a portfolio of different sites for the right audience; medical centres, golf clubs, etc..
Good luck.
Best Regards
CNetwork.tv Advertising 12th July 2012 4:01 PM
I thoroughly check any marketing companies before signing up. I appreciate some (not all) of the helpful reviews here before my meeting with the Marketing Manager.

My initial feelings were that it's a good idea to keep my name in the forefront of the local community especially since we have been here more than thirty years and the natural changing demographics of people moving in and out of the area.

The Post offices are all different..some are good sites some aren't so good for various reasons..footfall, number of counters, poor areas and affluent areas.

Advertising with a limited budget for me can't be a gamble but rather a calculated one. I've tried newspapers..who reads them from cover to cover and the chances of missing my AD amongst all the others.

I signed up approximately two months ago. Make sure in your contract you have stipulated "24 months only". I've had four enquiries and successfully gained two extra clients. Some of my colleagues have also mentioned that they saw my AD.

To conclude I feel it's unfair and unjustified some of the bad reviews on here. Sure there are bad marketing companies out there but there are also some good ones. At the end of the day we all want to maximise our business potential.

"Well Done! CNetwork for delivering an effective marketing campaign.