Alan Whitlock - Profile

Alan Whitlock

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JoinedDec 2014
Latest activity 23rd Mar 2018 5:27pm  

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Anyone used Wix? 23rd March 2018 5:27 PM

Hi Rebecca hope you are well how did it go with the new website? Alan

Thanks for the replies. My issue is I have no time to sort it out as I work hard and look after my children whenever I am not working! I don't have the spare money to pay anyone to do it really, but I will look at a budget for it I guess. I need something so simple and everyone wants to charge you for things I don't need plus ongoing costs which I can't commit to.  I guess the good news is business is booming despite having no website! 

This post is NOT an invite to call me about offering me a website by the way, I was not overly impressed by that......I will never buy from a cold call.”



Anyone used Wix? 16th February 2018 12:12 PM

Hello, I used to use both Wix and Wordpress but found Square Space, have been building sites in it for 6 months and not had a problem and Google loves it.

Hope this helps if I can help.

Best Alan