Online extortion alert from Action Fraud - beware biz owners!

By : Administrator
Published 2nd March 2016 |
Read latest comment - 2nd March 2016

Action Fraud has received several reports in the last 24 hours from businesses who have been sent online extortion demands from scammers threatening a cyber attack

The scammers who call themselves the “RepKiller Team” have been sending emails to businesses across the UK demanding payment of between £300-£500 in Bitcoins by a certain date and time. 

If the demands are not met, the team have threatened to launch a cyber attack against the businesses and their reputation by automating hundreds of negative reviews online. 

The emails also claim that once actions have started, they cannot be undone. Although these scammers are currently calling themselves “RepKiller”, it is common for fraudsters to continually change and adopt new tactics – email names can be made and changed easily.

Alert: Businesses across the UK being extorted -

If you do receive an email and are worried, visit the Action Fraud website (select the above link) and it tells you what to do as well as provide an online reporting tool.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Thanks for info will keep my ears and eyes open

Andy-C | Pewter World

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