40% of consumers experienced cyber theft

By : Administrator
Published 23rd November 2015 |
Read latest comment - 24th November 2015

Pretty worrying stats from a recent Deloitte survey.

"Just under half of respondents said they often felt they were being targeted by cyber-criminals.

Just under 40% had had personal data stolen or deleted because of a computer virus or malware, up from 26% in 2013."

Source: BBC News

As we move into a digital culture, I suppose it's inevitable that cyber crime will boom, but you would think there would be more protection. Or is it more of a case of better education? Most of these exploits and scams people fall for are pretty basic and easily defeated by ignoring or not opening attachments, clicking links you are suspicious of.

I suspect it's people currently in their late 40's onwards who are unlikely to have grown up with computers or have little interaction with them in the work place, or silver surfers taking their first foray into the online world, who are most at risk. Lacking a bit of cyber streetwise, that you naturally learn in the real world.

I can't see youngsters being so gullible or falling for online scams or phishing attacks as they have grown up in a digital world. At least hopefully! 

No doubt cyber crime will get more and more sophisticated that we will all have to end up hiring cyber security to protect us 

Do you worry about cyber crime? Are you one of the 40%? Do you worry about older family members?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I wonder how many from that 40% are victims of larger organisations that have data breaches, like the recent talk talk? So it's not necessarily just individuals security, but also that of larger corporations.

My views & opinions are my own

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