Google CEO bites back at monoply criticism

By : Administrator
Published 16th September 2014 |
Read latest comment - 25th September 2014

Wow this is a cracker. Google CEO Eric Schmidt has responded directly to criticism that Google is seen to be a dominant force.

"This weekend some of Europe’s biggest publishers are running a newspaper ad arguing that Google is too dominant and that we favour our own products - like Maps, YouTube and Google Shopping - in our search results. Given the serious nature of these allegations, I wanted to ensure that people have the facts so they can judge the merits of the case themselves...."

Full article: We built Google for users, not websites

A fascinating read, what do people think?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Now News Corp takes a swipe at Google, claiming some newspapers were in danger of going out of business due to Googles dominance, leading Google to respond back in ever growing war of words:

Google Blog: Dear Rupert

Full story from the BBC - Google responds to News Corp

I'm certainly in favour of a less dominant and aggressive Google, but there appears to be a lack of obvious competition and innovation in the European Search Engine market.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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