TV licensing for business

By : Administrator
Published 23rd August 2016

Had yet another of the multitude of letters from the BBC licensing police, that they have sent over the years.

This time, I thought I'd read it before filing, and noticed there is an opt out. No part of me thinks if you fill it in, then you are guaranteed a visit, but as we genuinely don't watch any TV (or iplayer!) in the office, we don't need a license.

What a faff trying to fill the form in! 20 minutes later, finally cracked it 

I think they need to spend some of the licensing money on a new a web developer and some more bandwidth...

Apparently my landline isn't a valid  UK telephone number?? Thought it didn't ring very often 

Finally start to make progress... booooom

Start all over again

So I wonder how much it costs the BBC to send everyone a licensing letter? Cost the government £6 million to send all households a referendum propaganda leaflet. Maybe a couple of £mn? 

So can you watch a video news item on the BBC website? Or is that classed as iplayer? 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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