Leaving Afghanistan - how much will it cost?

By : Administrator
Published 29th January 2014 |
Read latest comment - 15th April 2014

Fascinating article and reminds me of my younger days when we pulled out of Kuwait in 1991, and the amount of kit that got left behind and written off.

BBC News - The mammoth military task of leaving Afghanistan

Looks like little has changed, and now with a business mind you start to realise some of the logistical cost of actually getting military forces and their equipment back home!

Then of course there are all the personnel who won't be coming home...

Lets hope it was all worth it...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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It's that kind of thing that you don't think about but yes, geographically Afghanistan must be a nightmare to transport in and out of.


Then of course there are all the personnel who won't be coming home...

A poignant and sobering article come documented memorial to those UK Service Men and Women who lost their lives in Afghanistan.

UK military deaths in Afghanistan - BBC

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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