Are electric cars the near future or still a pipe dream?

By : Administrator
Published 22nd May 2018 |
Read latest comment - 24th May 2018

Saw an interesting presentation from JLR's marketing boss in London last week. He said if 5% of the UK car driving population moved to electric cars right now, the National Grid wouldn't be able to take the strain.

Also the diesel engines produced now are 200% cleaner and more efficient than those produced by the major manufacturers only 5 years ago.

Now his was obviously a slanted view point being a car man, but was nice to hear arguments from the other side for a change rather than the usual electric or anti diesel media hysteria. Food for thought, particularly when you have to bear in mind that a large part of the current grid is provided by burning fossil fuels, whilst Nuclear alternatives get everyone in a tizzy. Renewable energy is obviously the way forward, but it generates a lot less and we will need an awful lot more of it and very soon. ££££££

The only genuine alternative for the foreseeable future are hybrid vehicles, ie fossil fuel engines and part time electric. But then you have a heavier vehicle, less fuel efficient etc.

So is a very efficient and modern diesel that collect the majority of harmful particles, that conforms to strict emission regulations such a bad thing for the foreseeable future? Versus lots more power stations and cobalt battery powered cars.

...and we all know how a lot of cobalt, the important ingredient of batteries is collected 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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My neighbour has an electric car, an electric motability scooter and a electric pushbike.... then pollutes the planet with his wood burners...... I’m not sure I’m convinced of the so called ‘greeness’ of these vehicles, either by the manufacture of them or running them...  


Electric cars are great in theory, but in practice, not so much. I know someone who bought an electric car recently and when I asked him what he thought of it he said, "Great, but I can't charge it anywhere other than at home yet".

So the investment to install charge points all over the place is going to come from whom, exactly....? 



Many thanks,
Natalie - Your Local Girl Friday

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