Market Research Pests

By : Forum Member
Published 23rd September 2016 |
Read latest comment - 26th September 2016

Sunday morning, minding my own business at home, the phone rings

Only my Mum knows my knew number, so answered hello Mum... only it wasn't her !

Flipping Market Research company - do i have 15 minutes to go through some questions. First reply is yep my rate is £100 per hour or part there of.

Oh no we don't pay you !

Then why are you disturbing me on my TPS registered line!!??

TPS does not apply to market research (which to be fair i already knew) but it really does annoy me that they can call you within this loophole, knowing damn well that they will either sell your details or try and sneak a sales message in at the end.

Anyone know why TPS does not apply to Market Research and is there anyway of converting my TPS registration to cover Market Research suppression?


Market research calls are often from third parties asked to contact you by banks, utility providers, etc.

My recent experience with Creative Lifestyle showed me the importance of ticking that box declining contact from third parties.  Npower had given my details to this company who just wouldn't take no for an answer.  Changed Npower online account settings and blocked number did the trick.

One I've yet to master is the insurance companies.  I use comparison sites and am often asked to include a contact number.  I don't, tick the box declining further contact and still get calls.  Two of the offenders are Saga and AA.  


I had a similar problem with More Than 

I had a policy with More Than no marketing info,  used a comparison site & allegedly did not tick no 3rd party contact. More Than bought the data from comparison site and imported the data which unticked their own flag allowing them to make contact .....

Hmm well it did until i had a 3 month battle with them which ended with them changing their policy around purchasing data !


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